Behind the scenes - was hat uns 2021 beschäftigt?

Behind the scenes - what kept us busy in 2021?

Posted by Anja Gebler on

Many customers have noticed: a lot has changed at Papier & Stift in the last six months. But why actually? I'll be happy to answer that!

Actually, we wanted to put the finishing touches on our merchandise management system in 2021, which we introduced the year before, and then set out for the big update from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6. Shopware 6 promised more options for integrating different content into the store. And of course, the products should be able to be presented better. Since the beginning of 2020, we were very curious to see what we could present better with it.

On top of that, we had to look for new premises because our retail store had been sold. So it was a very exciting year for us!

In September everything should be ready: the real move to our new offices and the virtual move to Shopware 6 should take place within a single week. A small logistical masterpiece. With a lot of effort, some cursing and a lot of help from friends and acquaintances we made it and we moved into Taunusstrasse 17.

The move also seemed to have worked out virtually. From September 10, 2021 we were online again - now with Shopware 6. But very quickly we discovered that there was a fundamental communication error between our merchandise management system and Shopware 6 and the store was only functioning in a very limited way. In a short crisis meeting, we then had to decide whether we should wait for the technicians to fix this error in the next few weeks or months, or whether we should rather choose a completely different store system.

And we did the latter. We decided to go with Shopify! (Why I'm telling so many details here: the competent technicians among you have already recognized it anyway and to all the others it should be revealed that it's quite easy to find out the technique of online stores... ;-) )

We then set up a Shopify store within 5 weeks, and it really worked. That means the work of 9 months of Shopware development we were allowed to do again in 5 weeks! Therefore, in the beginning, some things looked very improvised. But we hope that it works much better now. And we know what homework we still have to do!

In the next few weeks, we want to add information about the products, the so-called filter features. This includes, for example, the colors of inks, the filling mechanisms and nib characteristics of fountain pens, the paper weight and the rulings of notebooks and other paper products. The aim is that you can then narrow down the selection in the overview precisely according to these criteria. But at the moment we have more than 5000 different articles in our store and it will take some time until we have added this for all articles.

And of course we are open for suggestions from you, how you would like to have the products sorted / found or displayed. Just write us and we will try to consider it!

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  • Ich weiß nicht wieso ich auf der Startseite des Shops die Beiträge noch nicht gesehen habe aber gerade lese ich mal nach. Der Shop ist wirklich viel besser geworden aber eins vermisse ich: Eine Wunschliste oder wie man das auch immer nennen mag. Denn man kann sich keine Produkte nur merken. Lege ich sie in den Warenkorb, verschwinden sie wieder, wenn sie ausverkauft sind. Oft erinnere ich mich aber nicht mehr, was ich hineingelgt habe, wenn ich mal wieder gestörbert habe. Ich mache jetzt Screenshots vom Warenkorb aber so eine Wunschliste wär’s noch. Vielleicht läßt sich das ja umsetzen. Liebe Grüße

    Eily on
  • Gerade erst durch Zufall entdeckt, begeistert schon alleine der Name. Das Design, die Aufteilung, die Filter….großartig! Nur Ohto- Schreibgeräte vermisse ich. Vielen Dank für eure Mühe und liebe Grüße aus Berlin

    Stefanie on
  • Liebe Anja,
    vielen Dank für die viele Arbeit, die ihr in den Shop investiert habt. Ich kann jetzt schon sagen, daß er viel besser ist vorher. Und wenn ihr dann noch irgendwann (ja, ich weiß – das ist mega viel Arbeit), die Produktbeschreibungen noch vollständig habt, dann gibt es Feuerwerk und Champagnerkorkengeknall und Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen überall 😉😁💖. Liebe Grüße aus WIesbaden…

    Enzio on
  • Mir gefällt euer Onlineshop sehr! Danke für die viele Mühe und Arbeit, die ihr da reinsteckt!

    Mecki on

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