Leuchtturm1917 - Sketchnote Journal


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Sketch = sketch, note = note. Visual notes.

With this hardcover notebook (A5 format) you will learn in a playful way how to visualize your thoughts quickly and easily on paper. Sometimes just a few lines are enough to make a mental model understandable for others.

From simple icons to stick figures and typography to finished visual notes. The goal is to be able to remember content better through visual notes. Sketchnotes are also effective for learning.

The Sketchnote Journal contains a beginner's workshop that is tailored to everyday professional life, but is also suitable for private use. There are also many tips and exercises as well as inspiration from other professional sketchnoters.

Hersteller: Leuchtturm

Papierformat: A5

Papiergewicht: 120 gsm

Papierfarbe: ivory

Blätteranzahl: 93


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